Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School – 234 S 39th Street, Richmond, CA
New elementary school campus, made up of multiple two-story wood and steel framed buildings.

Nystrom Elementary School- Richmond
New 13,800sq.ft. two-story steel framed multi-purpose building and additional campus modernizations.
Shannon Community Center- Dublin
New building includes 19,000 square feet of space and provides for a banquet hall for 300 people, a catering kitchen, two preschool classrooms, flexible meeting rooms, and staff and support spaces.
College Preparatory School – Oakland
Construction of two new classroom buildings. One building for History classrooms is one-story wood framed construction, the other building for World languages is a split-level, two story wood framed building. The project included multiple concrete and shotcrete retaining walls surrounding the new construction.
Hamilton Pool Recreation Center- San Francisco
The Hamilton Pool Recreation Center is one of six aquatic facilities run by the City of San Francisco Department of Public Works. Hamilton Recreation Center and Park was recognized as one of over 215 sites in need up renovation and upgrade due to deferred maintenance. Improvements and upgrades include but not limited to seismic upgrade as it was one of the city facilities at highest risk of damage during an earthquake.
Walnut Creek Public Library
New construction of 42,000 sq. ft. multi-story steel framed main public library
California Maritime Academy Student Housing Phase 1- Vallejo
This new 30,018 SF Dormitory has 22 units, a Residents Advisor Unit, a Study, and bathroom facilities on each of its three floors. Due to the hillside site location this facility has extensive foundation work.