SFO New Boarding Area B- South San Francisco
Originally opened in 1963 as the South Terminal, Terminal 1 is the oldest passenger terminal in use at SFO. The new Boarding Area B to provide up-to-date services for SFO users. Boarding Area A B will improve passenger circulation, gate access and loading capability. It will feature 24 gates, 6 of which will serve international passengers with direct access to the airport’s U.S. Customs & Border Protections Federal Inspection Area.
SFPUC Seismic Upgrade of Bay Division Pipeline No. 3 & 4- Fremont
Seismic Upgrade of BDPL Nos. 3 & 4 at Hayward Fault cross the intersection of Mission Boulevard and Interstate 680 (I-680) in Fremont. The pipelines cross three traces of the fault in this area, and it is very likely that an earthquake on the Hayward Fault would rupture one or both of these pipelines. To avoid major damage to this essential part of the Bay Area’s water-delivery system, this project will replace the existing BDPL No. 3 with a new pipeline between two recently installed vaults on either side of the Hayward Fault. The new pipeline will be highly reliable in the event of a major earthquake. The existing BDPL No. 4 will be seismically retrofitted at the three fault traces.

SFPUC San Antonio Back Up Pipeline- Sunol
The San Antonio Backup Pipeline (SABPL) project includes several new facilities and improvements in the Sunol Valley to help provide for the reliable movement of Hetch Hetchy water for planned and emergency discharges under future conditions. The project consists of an approximately 7,000 foot-long (or 1.3 miles) of 66-inch-diameter (or 5 ½ foot) steel pipeline extending from the Alameda Siphons to the north to the SMP-24 Quarry, near the intersection of Calaveras Road and San Antonio Creek. The alignment of the Backup Pipeline is parallel to the existing San Antonio Pipeline.
Santa Rosa Aqueduct Seismic Hazard Mitigation Project
The Santa Rosa Aqueduct Seismic Hazard Mitigation Project secured the Santa Rosa Aqueduct near the Rodgers Creek Fault in Sonoma Avenue against fault rupture during an earthquake and provide a safe, reliable water supply. The Project included, installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of a 36-inch diameter steel water supply pipeline on a portion of the Water Agency’s existing Santa Rosa Aqueduct pipeline, a new 36-inch diameter pipeline designed to deform in the event of a fault rupture and oset due to a major seismic event.
BART R-Line South Aerial Structures – Oakland
Reinforcement of elevated structures along Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr. Way from 47th Street in Oakland, to 62nd Street in Berkeley. This project is part of BART’s Major Earthquake Safety Construction project, a massive initiative to retrofit and reinforce several stations, structures and customer areas in order to make them safer and more structurally sound in the event of a major earthquake.
Caltrans I-80 Bayshore Highway – San Francisco
The SF-80 Bayshore Viaduct Retrofit Project involved the retrofitting of the columns and footings supporting the elevated structure of I-80 on ten city blocks in the city of San Francisco.
SFO International Airport Boarding Area “A” Apron
The Boarding Area A complex is one of two concourses serving the new International Terminal and consists of over 350,000 square feet with 12 gates. In total, over 2 million square feet of phased apron paving was included in the construction.